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Arla's new milk label Æ.KT gets literal about acting for climate and animal welfare

Dairy cooperative Arla Foods has announced the launch of a new milk label in Germany: Arla Æ.KT. Beyond milk, the product symbolizes commitment to environmental sustainability and animal welfare. 

Using 2015 as its baseline, Arla plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on its farms by 30% by the end of 2030. Reduction goals for the cooperative's dairies, logistics and offices are more ambitious at 63%. Current emissions are 1.54 kg CO2e per liter of whole milk and 1.32 kg CO2e per liter of low-fat milk — each listed on the milk's packaging. The footprints include all greenhouse gas emissions over the entire product life cycle, from milk production on Arla's farms to the disposal of empty milk cartons by consumers.

The second prong of Æ.KT's proposition — animal welfare — isn't as comprehensive, claiming only that Arla cows graze outside for at least 120 days a year and six hours daily. Arla Æ.KT is now available in grocery stores nationwide in Germany, with all milk sourced from German farms. 

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As Arla clearly states on Æ.KT milk cartons: producing milk causes greenhouse gas emissions. It's a fact that's increasingly front of mind for consumers and has helped drive the growth of plant-based milks. But environmental concerns also exist among those who prefer to keep drinking dairy; Arla quotes a poll revealing that 53% of German consumers incorporate climate commitment considerations into their milk purchasing decisions.

The label's moniker is short for 'Aktiv für Klima & Tierwohl' (Active for Climate and Animal Welfare), representing both the efforts the brand is taking to reduce its footprint and the desire of ordinary citizens to act in the face of a climate crisis. Could your brand wear its mission on its sleeve, as a badge of honor and a call to shared action?

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