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For restaurants, Klimato calculates CO2 emissions per dish

Food is at the root of a whole smorgasbord of urgent issues, from social inequalities and overfishing to the climate crisis and water scarcity. Since consumers need to know better to do better, Klimato allows restaurants to calculate the climate impact of the dishes on their menu. 

Using a web app, restaurants can score every item they serve, based on both ingredients and production methods. Impact is expressed as CO2e, or carbon dioxide equivalent, which allows different greenhouse gases to be combined in one unit of measurement. 

In addition to nudging consumers to pick earth-friendlier meals, Stockholm-based Klimato also helps restaurants set targets and track their emissions. Monthly and annual reports allow them to share their progress with guests and team members.

Klimato was launched in 2017 and recently bagged SEK 6.5 million (USD 750K) in funding. It's not the only labeling service targeting the food service industry — a few weeks ago, Foodsteps was selected as one of six finalists in Bupa's eco-Disruptive programme.

Trend Bite

According to a recent survey, over half of consumers in 16 countries believe they have the collective power to help halt climate change. Consumers are adopting the tactics of soft activism by viewing each of their purchasing decisions as a vote for a better world. Klimato is one example of how companies are helping their customers make informed decisions. For more, check out our Make→Shift trend briefing on LABEL-LED

Innovation of the day

Spotted by: Stijn Janssen