8 April 2025

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IKEA to start selling wind and solar energy to Swedish households

Given the size and number of its stores, IKEA uses a whopping amount of energy. It also invests heavily in renewable energy, producing 132% of its own consumption. The furniture giant is now branching out into selling clean energy to households.

Customers will soon be able to buy affordable, certified wind and solar energy through a STRÖMMA subscription, and track their energy use through an accompanying app. The service will launch in Sweden first, with other markets following by 2025.

IKEA's decision to sell renewable energy is part of its plan to become fully circular and climate positive by 2030, which includes making wind and solar as easily accessible and as affordable as flat-pack furniture. Customers will be charged a monthly fee of SEK 39 (EUR 3.80/USD 4.50), but IKEA and its partner Svea Solar won't add a profit margin to the electricity they purchase on the Nord Pool energy market.

Trend Bite

It's easy to forget that clean energy and other forms of eco-conscious consumerism were niche not too long ago. As our future becomes increasingly perilous, we've shifted from applauding brands for doing the green thing to expecting them to do so. How can your brand use its clout and connections to do more than its part? Like IKEA, are there opportunities to extend your environmental efforts beyond your core business?

Related: Patagonia launches European campaign to support clean energy by citizens, for citizens