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Sexual wellness brand LifeStyles offered discounts on their products in response to Australians’ search data for STIs

In July 2020, sexual wellness brand LifeStyles offered discounts on the brand’s products in response to Australians’ search data for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The ‘Publicly Traded’ campaign included an STI Index which tracked real-time searches for six STIs and automatically adjusted the price of condoms: the higher the index, the lower the price. When search volume goes down, the price increases – although, according to the brand, it will never exceed the standard retail price. Customers could purchase condoms through the STI Index or sign up for price alerts via email or SMS.

This isn’t the first dynamic pricing strategy we’ve featured. You might remember how Alaska Airlines targeted surfers with discount flights based on wave heights or, more recently, how Bose converted home decibel levels into discounts for noise-cancelling headphones.

Dynamic pricing remains a surprising way to catch the attention of a very specific consumer group – in this case, males aged 18-34 ‘who have shown interest in DIY investing and are also likely to purchase condoms’. LifeStyles’ creative use of data also highlights a broader issue – in Australia, STIs are on the rise but taboos around them still exist – whilst also encouraging consumers to engage with practices that will help keep them safe. How can you use relevant data to get consumers’ attention but also educate them and encourage more responsible behavior? Expand your thinking and consider how a campaign can overlap with other areas of interest. LifeStyles took inspiration from investing, but the possibilities are limitless!

There’s another angle to consider: yes, people are naturally curious beings and will forever be interested in what others are searching for, thinking about, and concerned with. On the flipside? The bandwagon effect, which refers to the tendency people have to adopt certain behaviors, styles or attitudes simply because ‘everyone else is doing it’. In an era in which consumers across the globe are trying to educate themselves about the dangers of misinformation and expand their world view, data could play an increasingly important role.

Could you combine data with your brand’s expertise to help clear up misconceptions that might exist within the industry in which you operate?

Stay healthy,

The TrendWatching content team