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Olay sends girls to coding camp to fight racial bias in search engines

Search for 'beautiful face', 'beautiful woman', 'beautiful skin' in the US, and 80% of results won't include women of color. Those search results are part of a larger problem — algorithms and AI are primarily programmed by white men. Consciously or not, their own biases feed into the tech that we use every day.

One solution is to get more women into coding, which is what beauty brand Olay is aiming at with its #decodethebias campaign. Working with Joy Buolamwini  — poet of code, researcher and founder of the Algorithmic Justice League — Olay is highlighting the issue of racial bias in technology in a campaign that runs through the end of October. 

For every Instagram and Twitter post that includes #decodethebias, Olay will send one girl to Black Girls Code summer camp in 2022 (up to 1,200).