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Red Cross and Red Crescent partner with Snap for an AR lens that gives a true-to-life CPR demo

October 16th was World Restart a Heart Day, which aims to familiarize more people with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. To tap into a new audience of potential first-aid providers, the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) partnered with Snap to create a Snapchat lens that brings CPR to life.

The new lens applies augmented reality to show people how to restart a heart in an emergency. After opening the lens in Snapchat, users are shown a life-sized ill or injured figure, plus a second figure going through the process of performing CPR, from checking for responsiveness to using an AED.

While it isn't meant to replace formal instruction, the lens provides a first introduction and encourages people to visit their local Red Cross or Red Crescent website for more information on in-person CPR training. The lens is available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Sweden, Japanese, Hindi and Norwegian.

Screenshots of Snap's CPR lens

Trend Bite

There's no shortage of information on how to perform CPR. But embedding that knowledge in an immersive experience, as Snap and IFRC have done, is far more compelling and memorable than a passively consumed text or video. And the need to reach new audiences is real. According to the Global First Aid Reference Centre, seven out of ten cardiac arrests happen in the presence of a bystander, but less than 20% of people end up providing first aid.