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This Veganuary, food brand Iglo invites people to examine their inner creature of habit

Veganuary is celebrating its tenth birthday this year. In a decade, millions of people have taken the pledge to eat plant-based for the month of January. As widespread as the challenge has become, plenty of folks have yet to give it a try. One potential hurdle? Being stuck in one's ways. That human tendency is exactly what frozen food brand Iglo is addressing in its latest Veganuary campaign in Germany.

Iglo presents a dinosaur character who is friendly and reliable but wary of anything unfamiliar: Das Gewohnheitstier, or the Creature of Habit. The campaign sees Greeny, a regular Iglo dinosaur mascot, encouraging the Creature of Habit to go on a journey of discovery and try plant-based foods from the brand's Green Cuisine range of frozen vegan products. "Seems fish nor fowl," says Das Gewohnheitstier of a box of Iglo's Dino Nuggets. "Perfect!" responds Greeny.

The concept was developed by creative agency Segmenta and is running as a 360-degree marketing campaign: TV commercials in Germany and Austria, out-of-home, online video, PR, social media and POS.

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In 2023, over 700,000 people from 228 countries and territories took part in Veganuary, and that's only counting those who officially signed up. Their reasons? According to a Veganuary survey, "almost half (40%) said animals were their number one motivation for trying vegan, followed by personal health (21%) and the environment (18%). Other reasons included for a change/challenge/curiosity (8%), global health (7%) and for a friend/partner/family member (4%)."

But rather than focusing on why people should stop eating animal products, Iglo acknowledges it isn't easy to change hard-worn habits: "We often gravitate towards traditional choices and end up eating the same things over and over. It's a familiar feeling: our inner creature of habit finds comfort in consistency and routines, making us hesitant to go on new adventures." Which is why Iglo isn't asking consumers to commit to radical change; it's just inviting them to consider their automatic habits and pick up something novel next time they're in the frozen foods aisle.

How could your brand prompt customers to explore their inner Gewohnheitstier?