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Unilever Russia took part in a careers fair designed in the form of an online game

Unilever Russia recently took part in a careers fair designed in the form of an online game. Participants could visit 8-bit versions of company office buildings, learn about available roles and interact with virtual representatives. The format was designed to allow graduates to look for internships, leadership programs and vacancies at the company, get acquainted with Unilever employees and ask questions about roles.

Nestlé hiring a brand marketing manager via TikTok. McDonald’s launching the first voice-initiated application process. Pre-pandemic, many brands were embracing more creative hiring strategies.

The global work-from-home experiment expedited by the coronavirus will make that more urgent. As the distributed workforce becomes the norm — Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has already confirmed staff will be able to work from home ‘forever’, even after US states lift lockdown measures — brands will need new ways to find and then connect their people.

Unilever’s 8-bit career fair ticks both those boxes in a fun and creative way. So if you’re hiring, start by asking: How can we better engage with the people we want to attract? Could new digital hiring strategies help us find new groups we might previously have overlooked? And if hiring isn’t on the horizon, could playful virtual environments help your employees interact and network? What will be your new watercooler moment? Whatever happens with ‘work’, a brand will always be the sum of the people that make it. So put them at the center!

Stay healthy,

The TrendWatching content team