Eight of the Best Purpose-Driven Innovations at Dutch Design Week 2021

“How do you spot trends?” If we had a dime for every time we’ve been asked that question…

Any loyal TrendWatching followers will know that we have a multi-pronged methodology for spotting and identifying trends. At the core of this methodology, however, are innovations – marketing campaigns, products, services, concepts and experiences – that are catering to the wants and needs of modern consumers in interesting new ways. Last week, the TrendWatching team returned from Dutch Design Week with a veritable haul. Here are our top picks!



1 FysiekFabriek by Aurore Brard and Lotte de Haan

When it comes to disability, often a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t do. Designers Aurore Brard and Lotte de Haan teamed up with local craftspeople to create tailor-made assisted living aids for people with disabilities. 



2 FoodforCare by Annelies Hermsen 

FoodforCare takes personalized meal kits to the next level. Devised specifically for discharged medical patients, each dish is made with ingredients purposefully chosen to expedite their recovery. 



3 PRO/CESS by Tim Schuetze

Tim Schuetze’s bespoke bicycle saddles caught our attention. Schuetze uses simple image recognition technology to map out a consumer’s backside, and 3D-printing technology to create a perfectly fitted seat. 



4 Rolling Bench by studio(ba)

This object might not look like much, but it can be assembled and reassembled to create various household items of furniture. Rolling Bench (above) forms part of a wider project called Complete Me, in which studio(ba) created items of furniture that can be completely reconfigured to serve new purposes over time. 



5 Show me where your nose, ear, vulva are by Daria Wypiór  

This physical teaching tool for early school-age children aims to deliver basic knowledge of genital anatomy in a shame-free, positive way. 



6 My Home Office by Cosmas Bronsgeest and Bart Berkhout  

Working from home has radically altered our perceptions of public and private space. The Home Office is a ready-made, easy-to-install garden office which offers peace and privacy at home, but not in the house. 



7 Agbara by Yinka Buutfeld 

Buutfeld’s jewelry collection contains myriad observations about the impact of colonialism on Western beauty standards. Crafted from shipping rope and bleach, this is statement jewelry with a capital S. 



8 Navigating Stress by Mirte van der Nat 

This toolkit encourages people to share, analyse and expurgate their stress by externalising their personal struggles as features in a landscape. The kit includes ink stamps, a worksheet for charting stress and prompt cards to steer conversation.


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