Three Innovations Offering Post-Pandemic Consumers a Taste of Off-Grid Living

In this Innovation of the Day roundup, we spotlight three brands that are handing production back to consumers, with simple hacks and exciting new services which make off-grid living easy.


In 2021, the push for sustainability isn’t just about buying organic produce or switching to an electric vehicle. Scarred by the economic downfall and environmental turbulence of the past year, consumers are looking for resilience – new modes of living that will enable them to keep on going when the going gets tough.

Popular lockdown hobbies like gardening and home improvement provided consumers with a flavour of off-grid living. Now, a smattering of brands are taking those interests to the next level, with initiatives which enable consumers to embed self-sufficiency into their everyday lives. 

Can your brand meet off-grid-curious consumers halfway, with products and services which hand back the means of production (in some form or other)? Below, we round up three bright ideas featured in Innovation of the Day which do exactly that. 


Three innovations offering post-pandemic consumers a taste of off-grid



National Trust – To reduce plastic waste, National Trust organizes loofah grow-along

As nurseries and garden centers will happily attest, people flocked to their gardens last year, and droves of new gardeners started growing vegetables and flowers. Now, the National Trust is encouraging them to grow something different: their own sponges. Unlike plastic sponges, loofahs are biodegradable and can be composted when they're worn out… Read more



Pattern Project – Flat-pack fashion: pre-cut clothing kits let sewers skip the patterns

Much like IKEA delivers exactly what's needed to build a bookcase, every piece sawn to size, pre-drilled and complete with screws, Pattern Project takes care of sewing prep, with customers handling assembly. Each clothing kit includes pre-cut fabric panels with pre-marked seams, matching thread and instructions. All kits are produced on demand in the start-up's micro-factory, so there's no overstock… Read more 



ALLOTME – Platform connects garden owners with would-be vegetable growers

In London, finding a space to grow food is almost as hard as finding an affordable place to live. Allotments — those small rented gardens not attached to a home — have long waiting lists that only grew longer as people sought out green spaces during lockdowns. Which is why Belfast native Conor Gallagher decided to tap into another source: homeowners willing to rent out (part of) their garden… Read more


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